Steve's Family History

This is a blog to record my attempts to trace my family history. Maybe it will be of interest to other members of my family - especially those who are also researching their own family tree.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Still struggling to trace Isaac DADDS

Well three Mary DADDS birth certificates came back from the PRO. All born in Ilfracombe.

Mary Jane DADDS b. 2/4/1841 daughter of James DADDS and Mary JEWELL
Mary Ann DADDS b. 27/7/1843 daughter of James DADDS and Mary JEWELL
Mary DADDS b. 30/4/1849 daughter of John DADDS and Mary Leg (or Ley)

So none of these Marys match up with Isaac DADDS.

There were also a lot of Johns registered in Barnstaple (which is the registration town for Ilfracombe and Swimbridge) so it may be worth repeating the exercise by getting all the John birth certificates and seeing whose kids they are - but this gets expensive!

It seems there are loads of DADDS in Ilfracombe but I've not found any in Swimbridge yet. Checking the 1881 census gives loads more DADDS families in Ilfracombe but none in Swimbridge - and by then Isaac and Mary were in Bristol St Pauls.


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