Steve's Family History

This is a blog to record my attempts to trace my family history. Maybe it will be of interest to other members of my family - especially those who are also researching their own family tree.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Isaac DADDS - a bit more information

I previously got thoroughly confused about Isaac DADDS snr and jnr. Tracking through the census records in has clarified things a lot.

Isaac DADDS & Mary ???
There was a marriage entry for an Isaac DADDS and Mary in the International Genealogical Index in 1840, but this must be a different pair because our Isaac and Mary are settled in Swimbridge, Devon with a large family in the 1841 census. They have three girls; Susan, Emma and Elis(abeth) and Isaac jnr who is four months old. The oldest daughter, Jane, is not listed.

Having a daughter called Emma corroborates Isaac's death certificate in 1855 because an Emma DADDS was the informant. Isaac and Mary probably got married around 1830.

Mary lived on through the next two censuses as I found her in 1861 and 1871, but not 1881. Daughter Jane, who was living with her then is also not present in the 1881 census.

I already had a reasonable amount of information on this family but managed to find them in Bristol in the 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901 censuses. Isaac jnr is an apparently successful haulier with his own horse(s) and two carters working for him by 1901. Both he and Ann were still alive at this stage.


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