Steve's Family History

This is a blog to record my attempts to trace my family history. Maybe it will be of interest to other members of my family - especially those who are also researching their own family tree.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gone quiet...

Wifey starting to blog has shamed me into updating this one, but the truth is that I have had very little time for family research in the last couple of years. My computer crashed a year ago, at the same time as I was moving between ISPs. The old ISP deleted my genealogy web site as soon as I gave them notice, three weeks before my contract with them expired. They didn't take a back up. This meant I lost much of my working data and I haven't yet had time to re-gather the threads.

At the moment we are up to our eyes in decorating, with a view to getting the house on the market. The grand plan is to move to the Somerset/Devon borders and for me to work from home a few days a week, travelling up to London for the other two. Of course all this is dependent on being able to sell this house, but if we can't we can stay put and at least be on top of the DIY for a few years! Perhaps then I will have the free time to get back to the genealogy.


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